Who We Are
The Church's mission is our greatest mission: to "make disciples of all nations" (Matthew 28:19). To this end, we believe that God has anointed Christ the Redeemer with a specific vision, purpose, and charisms that will help us grow closer to Jesus and live out the Great Commission.
Prayer for Parish Renewal
Prayer must be the foundation of all we do. We invite you to join us in prayer for parish renewal using our prayer below:
Heavenly Father, shape Christ the Redeemer into an irresistible parish, joyfully radiating Your love and grace.
Help each one of us to discover Jesus personally.
Holy Spirit, inspire us to proclaim the Gospel fearlessly.
Empower us to build the Church together, where everyone experiences being truly known and loved.
Parish Vision
Vision is a God-given picture of the future that produces hope and passion in people. It is a compelling picture of a preferred future.
Become an Irresistible Parish
We want to be a community of disciples who have encountered Jesus in a personal way and are living a full life of joy, purpose, and generosity. Our hope is that CTR becomes a place you can call home.
Why We Exist
A organization’s “why” clearly explains its purpose. It should be the North Star to which all efforts point. This is what inspires us to get out of bed in the morning and do what we do.
Discover Jesus Personally
We are all on a path of discipleship, a continuous journey on which we discover Jesus as Lord and friend. We walk in relationship with others and with God. The more fully we live this, the more others are invited to join us.
We pursue intimacy with the person of Jesus. The more we seek to know Him, the more we fall in love with Him and the more we make Him known with our lives.
Parish Promise
The parish promise is the experience we strive for everyone to have each time they interact with Christ the Redeemer.
Experience being truly known and loved
Whether you are being welcomed to our coffeehouse or coming to your first Alpha, we want you to feel something tangible. We want Jesus’ love to be something you taste and see. You experience it in yourself and see it in others.
God is the only one who can truly know and love us. We strive to help people experience His unconditional love, especially in the Mass and other sacraments. We want to reflect this love to one another as a parish family.
Our Charisms​
These are the specific gifts the Holy Spirit has given our parish so that it bears fruit. When we tap into these gifts, they guide how we do ministry. When we have used them well over the years, we have seen fruit in our community.
Invited to More
We are always inviting people to find more. We invite everyone to long for more of what God has to offer in every area of life: finances, family, relationships, time, service, etc. As we walk alongside others on the discipleship path, we help inspire and cultivate this longing. By responding to God’s invitation, those with whom we journey can discover more abundant freedom and joy.
Joyful Hospitality
Serving others is a delight and not a duty. We desire to meet people’s needs for friendship and community. We are warm and personable. We are generous with our resources to make people feel welcome, whoever they are and whatever their experiences of life. We want to create physical, emotional, and spiritual spaces so people feel welcome.
Holy Wisdom
We aim to do everything with discernment, prayer, and contemplation. We want to lower barriers to encountering God more fully. Truth, goodness, and beauty are a means by which we reach our community and beyond. We rely on this spiritual wisdom to help us make decisions that open hearts to Jesus.
Charitable Harmony
We come together for the greater good. We care for the wellbeing of the larger community, even when that means putting aside our own opinions. This harmony is not passive but motivated by a love for the Church. Loyalty, respect, and healthy flexibility creates trust and togetherness in our parish family. The enemy of this charism is artificial harmony; to combat this false sense of harmony, we must always speak the truth with charity
Generous Compassion
Our community responds in a deep spiritual way when we are drawn into the needs of others. We give with abundance where there is a need. When we encounter the suffering of others, we respond generously with our time, talent, and treasure.