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Image by Keith Hardy

Water in the Desert

Water in the Desert is a monthly adoration event with music, testimony from a parishioner, and an opportunity for prayer ministry. You don't have to do anything; simply come and be refreshed during this peaceful evening.


Lost & Found Coffeehouse is often open after Water in the Desert for those who wish to socialize.

Upcoming dates for Water in the Desert will be posted in our Weekly Update

What Is Adoration?

Catholics believe that Jesus is fully present in body, blood, soul, and divinity in the form of bread; this is what we call the Eucharist. In Scripture, Jesus says, “I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never be hungry, and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty” (John 6:35). Catholics receive the Eucharist at Mass, but we can also worship Jesus in the Eucharist outside of Mass; this is known as Eucharistic Adoration.


In Adoration, Jesus is really present, and not just as a sign or symbol. Although hidden behind the appearance of bread, when you participate in Eucharistic Adoration you pray and worship God in a more intimate, present, and real way. Adoration is a way to spend time with Jesus, face to face, as you would if you were going to meet a friend for coffee.

What Do I Do At Adoration?

When asked how she spent her time during Adoration, Mother Teresa replied, “I look at God, and He looks at me.” Adoration is a time of rest and reflection, so you don’t have to do anything. You might like to use some of the suggestions below to aid you in your time at Adoration.


  • Get comfortable. Sit or kneel in a position that allows you to focus on Jesus in the Eucharist in front of you.

  • Express your gratitude to God for a few things that come to mind, whether big or small. You may be simply grateful to be here right now!

  • Share with God your worries, concerns, or whatever else might be in your heart. You could do this in the form of journalling or mental prayer.

  • Pause to listen. This can look like closing your eyes and breathing deeply, allowing the Lord to lift your burdens and replace them with His presence.

  • If you feel inspired, you may wish to journal what comes to mind. If you feel restless, try reading a passage from Scripture, perhaps the readings of the day or of the next Sunday, found in the missal in the pew. Does anything stand out to you?

  • Close by thanking the Lord for his inspirations and blessings during this time, even if you didn’t feel anything. Adoration is not always an emotional experience, but it is always filled with many consolations (blessings) from God.

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