Parents are the primary educators in the faith.
(General Directory for Catechesis, 225)
The Christian home is a place where children first learn about The Faith. The family home is “the domestic church,” a community of grace and prayer, a school of human virtues and of Christian charity.
(Catechism of the Catholic Church, 1666)
What is PREP?
The Parish Religious Education Program (PREP) assists parents in our parish in their role as the primary teachers of the faith to their children. It is intended mainly to serve the families in our parish whose children do not attend Catholic school. Guided by our pastor, comprehensive instruction in the Catholic faith is organized by our dedicated PREP Coordinator and delivered by volunteer catechists from the parish community. Sacramental preparation for First Reconciliation, First Holy Communion and Confirmation are incorporated in the program, which runs from Grade 1 to Grade 7. Through PREP, parents and families have the opportunity to renew their own faith foundation by studying with their children and through participation in family formation evenings and activities.
PREP runs from September to June after school on Wednesday afternoons (4:30 – 5:30) following the school calendar. For the 2021-2022 PREP year the parish will be running a hybrid model of in person and zoom classes. There is a registration fee per child to assist with the costs of the program; however, it is our policy that financial reasons will not hinder any family from participating in PREP
For questions about PREP and to register, please email our PREP Coordinator.
What is RCIC?
In the Archdiocese of Vancouver, children typically receive First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion in Grade 2 (age 7/8), and Confirmation in Grade 7 (age 12/13). Children who have not received the sacraments at the usual age or who have not received any religious instruction are most likely better suited to our Rite of Christian Initiation for Children (RCIC) program. To determine whether you should register your child for PREP or RCIC please contact our PREP Coordinator to discuss the best route for your child.

Other opportunities
for youth​
Youth Ministry: CTR WV Youth runs events for youth Grades 8-12 and occasionally Grades 6&7
Searching in the Spirit: post-Confirmation retreat hosted by the Archdiocese for youth going into Grade 8.
Spirit Day: Confirmation youth rally hosted by the Archdiocese for youth in Grade 7.