Prayer Ministry
How can we pray for you?
The parish Prayer Ministry team would love to pray for your intentions. Please use the form to the right to ​submit your prayer request. If you would like your request to remain confidential (that is, for only the Prayer Team Lead to see), please indicate this in the appropriate field on the form.
What Is Prayer Ministry?
Prayer ministry is a chance to be prayed with and for by a trained lay prayer team of two. When you meet with them, they will introduce themselves, ask if you have any particular prayer requests, and may ask to place a hand on your shoulder as they pray out loud over you. Many people find it gentle, comforting, and peaceful.
Do I need to be struggling with something to receive prayer?
Not at all! Prayer teams can pray for any prayer requests you have, for healing, or simply to receive more of the Holy Spirit in your life.
Where can I receive prayer?
​Members of our prayer team would love to pray with you in person. There are a few opportunities to receive prayer:
Water in the Desert: our monthly adoration event, held one Saturday a month in the church. Learn more here.
Sundays between the 9:00 and 11:00 am Masses: After the 9:00 am Mass, prayer teams are available by the baptismal font at the front left of the church. Find someone with a red prayer name tag and they will be happy to pray with you.
The Power of Intercessory Prayer
​An intercessor is one who prays on behalf of another. As Catholics, we believe that the saints, who dwell with Christ in heaven, can pray in a special way on our behalf, and that we also can pray to God the Father for the needs of others.
The Catechism of the Catholic Church says, "Since Abraham, intercession - asking on behalf of another has been characteristic of a heart attuned to God's mercy. In the age of the Church, Christian intercession participates in Christ's, as an expression of the communion of saints. In intercession, he who prays looks "not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others," even to the point of praying for those who do him harm. (CCC 2635)"
Novenas are nine days of prayer through the intercession of a particular saint. To learn more about this devotion, this article from Blessed Is She is helpful. To receive reminders about praying upcoming novenas, and to receive daily prayers during a parish novena, join the email list at ctrrcav.flocknote.com/CTRNovenas.
Whatever you ask for in prayer with faith, you will receive.
(Matthew 21:22)
Do not worry about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
(Philippians 4:6-7)