
An easy way to stay connected
Flocknote is the parish's email and text alert system. It's simple to sign up. Find out how by watching this short video.
Signing up for Flocknote at CTR is a great way to stay connected with what's happening at the parish. We recommend you subscribe to the "Weekly Update" to stay current on everything from parish activities to events in the Archdiocese, to helpful resources for growing your faith.
On occasion, you may also receive emails that are important to the entire parish, such as notices about changes to Sunday Masses, a charitable outreach initiative of the parish, or a large parish event.
You will notice that there are other lists you can subscribe to, such as Novenas or the Men's Prayer Group. You will only receive emails from these groups if you specifically subscribe to them. Please contact our Communications Coordinator if you need help subscribing or unsubscribing from any lists.