Children & Families
The family is where we are formed as people. Every family is a brick in the building of society.
(Pope Francis)
The Christian home is a place where children first learn about The Faith. The family home is “the domestic church,” a community of grace and prayer, a school of human virtues and of Christian charity.
(Catechism of the Catholic Church, 1666)
Sunday Children's Ministry
Children aren't just the future of the Church – they're its present!
Children ages 4-7 who have not yet received their First Communion are invited to an engaging children's session once a month during the 11 am Mass. Here's how your child can participate:
On one of the upcoming Children's Ministry dates, drop your child off at Lost & Found Coffeehouse before the 11 am Mass.
Your child will go to the Youth Room with the Children's Ministry leader and volunteers for an engaging children's session during Mass. Sessions use materials from Catechesis of the Good Shepherd and other programs to teach children about the Mass, faith, and Jesus.
Children will wait at the back of the church at communion. When you go up to receive communion, pass through the back of the church and meet your child before going up to communion as a family.
After Mass, children of all ages are invited to the school gym where there are supervised activities and treats for kids. Parents can enjoy coffee and treats at Lost & Found Coffeehouse in the meantime.
When is Children's Ministry?
Our Children's Ministry is temporarily on hiatus, but we’re excited to resume soon. Stay tuned for updates!

Moms & Tots

Moms & Tots Group
Last Friday of the month, 12:30 – 2:30 pm
Moms and their little ones are invited to join our monthly Moms & Tots Group happening in the Upper Room of Lost & Found Coffeehouse on the last Wednesday of the month.
Connect with other moms from the parish and West Vancouver community!
All moms and tots ages 0-5 are welcome and no pre-registration is required.
Other Resources
PREP and RCIC – Religious education for children who do not attend Catholic school.
Youth Ministry – Events for teens Grade 8–12.
Catholic Schools – Find out more about St. Anthony's Elementary, St. Thomas Aquinas High School, and Catholic colleges.